It was a great honour to make the sound for The Godfathers. They performed all their hits, e.g. “Birth, School, Work, Death”, or “Cause I said… Weiterlesen »
If the whole hall after one third of the concert jumps off their seats and starts dancing, you have probably not done everything wrong as… Weiterlesen »
We used different amps, like Fender Deluxe Reverb, Vox AC30, Marshall 50 Plexi and Schekter and a RM BIV ribbon-mic from Russia, plugged to a… Weiterlesen »
Interesting workshop about procedures for complex sound reinforcement of orchestras with soloists, band and choir – spectral panorama – room simulation – mirror image source… Weiterlesen »
Thanks to SEA distribution and Klangfarbe/Vienna we had the possibility to get a hands-on workshop with the new AVID-consoles and the great support of Korn… Weiterlesen »
Photo (C) Anna-Maria Loeffelberger I had the pleasure to record the fantastic Pia Douwes (NL) for the production Dr.Dolittle (with Uwe Kroeger) at “Salzburger… Weiterlesen »